martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Some tips for getting a good business plan

Source: The Prince's Trust
Business plan

If you’re thinking about setting up your own company, getting your business plan right is crucial.

A business plan gives an outline of your business, the market in which it will operate and how it aims to make money - and should answer this question: why will your business succeed when so many others fail?

Top Tips
Be concise
It’s really important that potential investors can understand what your business is all about from a quick glance at your plan. Make sure you include a summary of your business, and how it will make money right from the start, and use simple language throughout.

Be specific
Being specific is just as important as being concise. The details will help you drill down into how you will actually deliver your plan.

Know your market
A big part of knowing whether your business will be successful is understanding your audience. Make sure your plan is clear about your target market – who will you be selling to and how many other companies are already selling similar products?

Know your finances
The other essential part of a business plan is the finance section. If your business isn’t going to make any money, it won’t be successful so you need to be very clear on how you will make a profit. Use it to your advantage – your plan will be incredibly useful when it comes to securing loans and investment, but that’s not its only use. It’s also a personal tool to help you understand your objectives.

1 comentario:

  1. ¡¡¡Atención!!!

    ¿Tienes un mal crédito?
    ¿Necesitas dinero para pagar tus facturas?
    ¿Necesitas comenzar un nuevo negocio?
    ¿Tiene un proyecto sin terminar a mano debido a una mala financiación?
    ¿Necesita dinero para invertir en algún área de especialización que le beneficie? y tu no sabes que hacer

    prestamos todo tipo de préstamos en buenos servicios, contáctenos por correo electrónico:
    Número de teléfono o Whatsapp: +1 (712) 600 2838
